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[2] Autumn Trees

Clean Energy Task Force

The Bethany Clean Energy Task Force (CETF) was created in 2005 to participate in Connecticut’s 20% by 2010 campaign, an initiative to encourage community action in support of putting Connecticut’s consumers on a path to having 20 percent of their electricity supply come from clean, renewable energy sources by the year 2010.

The Bethany CETF also provided opportunities to reduce home energy use, and to acquire discounts on solar energy and home insulation, which led to dozens of households taking advantage of these programs to reduce their energy usage.

More recently, the Bethany CETF has acted as a subcommittee of Sustainable Bethany, and continues to encourage residents to conserve energy and save money.


Current Members

Eric Frieden, Chair
Amy Arnsten
Marie Pulito
Gale Ridge
Jenny Turner

Join Us

We are always looking for new members, and we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
