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Planning & Zoning Commission

Planning and Zoning Commission and other elected officials together develop, enforce, and modify land-use and zoning policies for their jurisdictions. The role of Planning and Zoning and its associated offices in town hall is to enforce existing land-use regulations and to provide elected officials with plans, advice, and assistance in developing, enforcing, and modifying those regulations. As an elected legislative body, the Commission adopts ordinances, and reviews and acts on applications for zone boundary changes, changes in regulations, and applications for permits, special exceptions, and subdivisions of land. The commission meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7PM in the Commission Room at Town Hall.  The public is encouraged to attend.

Land Use Fee Schedule


The board consists of 5 members and 3 alternates who are elected for 4-year terms.



Regular meetings are generally scheduled on the first Wednesday of each month commencing at 7:00 p.m in the Commission Room.

Consolidated Meeting Schedule

Agendas & Minutes

Listing files in 'Planning & Zoning Commission'


Related Documents

Listing files in 'Ordered Documents'