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Zoning Board of Appeals

Established by vote of a town meeting on February 11, 1952, Chapter 97 of the Bethany Code, the Zoning Board of Appeals is responsible for the following:

  • Acting on applications for variances from the Zoning Regulations where, among other things, a strict adherence to the Zoning Regulations would cause exceptional difficulty or unusual hardship due to unique or unusual conditions of the land.
  • Acting on appeals to orders of the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
  • Acting on any matter so authorized in the Zoning Regulations.


Public Water Supply Watershed/Aquifer-Project Notification Form


How can residents challenge a zoning commission's approval of a housing development not currenting meeting zoning requirements?

Challenging a Zoning Commision Approval




The board consists of 5 members and 3 alternates who are elected for 4-year terms.



The Board meets on an “as needed basis” on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Meeting Room of the Bethany Town Hall at 40 Peck Road.

Consolidated Meeting Schedule

Agendas & Minutes

Listing files in 'Zoning Board of Appeals'