The State of Connecticut is in a high fire danger. All open burning is prohibited until the fire danger drops to below HIGH. If you have an open burning permit, you are still prohibited from burning until the fire danger drops below HIGH. This is in accordance with Connecticut State Statutes section 22a-174(f). You may find the current Fire danger level at the Connecticut D.E.E.P. website. If you have any questions or need to report any illegal open burning, call (203)509-6828 to reach the Fire Marshal.
Opportunity for Residents to Speak to Independent Investigators (Pullman and Comley)
The Board of Selectmen appointed a 5-member Charter Commission on November 16, 2021 to draft a proposed charter for the Town of Bethany. The Commission had sixteen months from the date of appointment to submit a report to the Selectmen.
The Commission was required to hold at least 2 public hearings, one prior to the beginning of any substantive work and one after the draft report was completed. Monthly updates on the Commission’s work were included in the Bethany Bulletin.
The public was welcome to attend the Commission’s meetings, generally scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 6:30 pm at Town Hall. Comments on items the Commission should consider when preparing a draft charter were submitted to bethanyctcharter@gmail.com.
After the draft charter was submitted, the Selectmen conducted another public hearing. If the Selectmen supported the charter language, the proposal would have been submitted to Bethany voters for approval or rejection at a regular or special election. UPDATE: The Charter Commission presented a final proposed charter to the Board of Selectmen dated August 1, 2022. At their August 16, 2022 meeting, the Board of Selectmen voted not to move forward with the charter process and the commission was dissolved. The Charter Commission minutes, drafts and other documentation will remain on the website for the present time.
Salvatore Amadeo Robert H. Brinton, Jr., Chair Carol R. Goldberg Donald R. Shea, Jr. Elizabeth L. Thornquist
Charter Commission Bethany Town Hall 40 Peck Road Bethany, CT 06524-3322