property check now available to combat fraud
The Town Clerk's office now offers Property Check through our land records vendor, Cott Systems. This free service is intended to combat property and mortgage fraud by allowing residents to sign up to receive notifications of when official documents are recorded for their property on the Bethany Land Records.
Property fraud can occur if someone forges your identity, transfers your property into their name, and records the document. This fraudulent activity can make it appear as if that person owns your home or property - and you may not have any idea that this happened! It is, unfortunately, becoming more prevalent today as cyber criminals exploit every avenue they can to cause harm and steal from everyday citizens.
Property Check works seamlessly in the background of the Bethany Land Records management software, automatically alerting if a document with matching name is recorded. Property owners need to opt-in by establishing a free RECORDhub account, creating alerts for their name and choosing the preference of alerts – email or text message. It’s a good idea to set up multiple alerts based on first, middle and last name variations and your spouse’s name, to be sure that an alert will be triggered in case a recording happens with some kind of slight variation.
If you have any questions, please contact the Town Clerk's office at 203-393-2100 x1104 or email Click the image below to sign up for a free account and start protecting against fraud today!