Primaries for both the Democratic and Republican parties will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. The polling place for Bethany is Town Hall, 40 Peck Road, and will be open for in-person voting from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. If you are unable to come to the polls that day, an absentee ballot may be obtained from the Town Clerk’s office prior to August 9th.
Absentees are available starting on July 19th. Applications can be obtained either in the Town Clerk’s office or downloaded from the Secretary of the State’s website:
The applications can be returned in-person, by mail, or placed in the drop box outside Town Hall. If applying in-person, you will be given the ballot immediately and can vote right then if you choose or return later by mail, in-person or drop box.
If you received an absentee ballot, but have not returned it yet, please be advised that it must be received by the Town Clerk by the close of polls on August 9th. Ballots may be placed in the secure drop box outside the main entrance to Town Hall next to the flagpole until 8:00 pm on Primary Day.
For the August 9th primaries, voters must be registered in the political party which is holding the primary. There is a 90-day waiting period to change from one party to another, so the last date to switch between parties was May 9, 2022. However, new or unaffiliated voters may register or enroll by mail until August 4th, and in-person until noon on August 8th.
You can check to make sure you are registered to vote and enrolled in a party at the following site:
For any questions about registration, please contact the Registrars of Voters at 203-393-2100 x1121 or and any questions about absentee ballots please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 203-393-2100 x1104 or
VOTERS PLEASE NOTE: You will notice a name crossed off on the ballot you receive when you come to vote. One of the Republican candidates for the Secretary of the State, Brock Weber, withdrew after ballots were printed and received. Due to the printing costs of ballots (approximately $1,400), Registrars have been advised, under the authority of the CT Elections Officer, Heather Augeri, to cross out the name of this withdrawn candidate. Please DO NOT black out the bubble under this name when you are voting.